The worst thing that microforms do is emit substances that are toxic to human health, such as mycotoxins, exotoxins, and endotoxins.
Mycotoxins are toxins produced by fungi — including mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. Have you ever heard stories of amateur mushroom hunters who ended up in the hospital after making an identification mistake? They were poisoned by mycotoxins.
But mycotoxins are far more widespread than you probably realize. In fact, an amazing 25% of the world’s food supply is contaminated by mycotoxins! They frequently contaminate grains, but they can also occur in the meat, eggs, and milk of animals that have eaten contaminated grains.
Exotoxins are excreted by bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa. They have the ability to disrupt cellular metabolism and ultimately destroy cells. Famous examples of exotoxins include botulinum toxin (excreted by Clostridium botulinum) and tetanus toxin (excreted by Clostridium tetani).
Endotoxins are not secreted; they’re actually part of the outer cell membrane of live bacteria. When the bacteria die, the endotoxins are released into the system. Famous examples of bacteria that contain endotoxins are E. coli and Salmonella.
In order to jump-start the process of balancing your pH, it’s imperative that you “clean house” and eradicate the microforms and their corresponding toxins.
pHion Whole Body Detoxification
Eliminates Acid-Creating Microforms .Contains 12 natural botanicals. Helps detoxify the Liver, Lymph and Kidneys. Eradicates Mycotoxins, Exotoxins, and Endotoxins. Easy to swallow capsules. Microforms such as bacteria, yeasts, fungus, and mold thrive in acidity. These damaging organisms love to swim in their own toxic waste, and flourish in the low oxygen levels that come with acidity. When your body becomes chronically acidic, microforms proliferate and further acidify your body - creating a never ending cycle. In an acidic environment, these ugly organisms grow out of control, breaking down tissues, bodily processes, and your immunity system. The end result of this overgrowth is a body that's weak, tired, and prone to potentially serious health complications.
Since microforms are living organisms, they require food in order to survive. After they digest glucose, proteins and fats in your body, they excrete poisonous mycotoxins, exotoxins, and endotoxins. Toxins like these are severely damaging to healthy cellular function and reproduction. These toxins are also strong acids that must be eliminated. In order to jump start the process of balancing your pH, it's imperative that you “clean house” and eradicate the microforms and their corresponding toxins. pHion Whole Body Detoxification helps to eliminate bacteria, yeast, and fungus as well as the toxins they produce. Once eliminated, these microforms cannot thrive in an alkaline terrain. read more continue
But if you don’t want these nasty critters to come back, it’s imperative that you also alkalize your system at the same time. You can do this by including more alkaline foods into your diet and by taking an alkalizing mineral supplement such as pHion Alkaline Minerals. Once eliminated, these microforms will not be able to re-establish themselves in an alkaline terrain.
pHion Whole Body Detoxification also includes herbal extracts, amino acids, and organic sulfur to aid in detoxifying your entire system, particularly those places hardest hit by toxins: your liver, your kidneys, and your lymphatic system.
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