The best Health care plan is to neutralize and destroy the toxin that go into your body with alkaline supplements, alkaline and organic foods. Today in the health food industry it is widely excepted that vibrant health and energy begins with properly balancing the body's pH levels. It is critically important to understand how health and disease can be determined by the degree of alkalinity or acidity in the body's tissue and fluids. The more toxicity we put into our body the more acidic it becomes which places our system out of pH balance. This can create an environment for sickness and disease.
In order to reduce the toxicity in our body which can reduce acidity, a few simple lifestyle changes need to be implemented. First, consume as little processed foods as possible. Always read labels. The longer the ingredient list the less natural the product. Avoid foods with chemical additives, pesticides, hormones, hydrogenated oil and any form of processed foods. Second, start eating organic meats, fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Organic foods are far more nutritious and free of toxic pesticides and hormones. Today organic food markets are virtually in every city and your health is worth the slight extra cost.
Alkaline Products:
pHion Whole Body Detoxification also includes herbal extracts, amino acids, and organic sulfur to aid in detoxifying your entire system, particularly those places hardest hit by toxins: your liver, your kidneys, and your lymphatic system.
pHion Acid Drainage
Naturally drains acids right out of your body! Strong acids like uric acid, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid are corrosive to your insides and are very hard to eliminate. pHion Acid Drainage helps eliminate these strong acids via your kidneys and skin.
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pHion Alkaline Minerals
Alkaline Minerals that punish acids! Excess acid can cause low energy, fatigue, excess weight, poor digestion, aches, pains, and even more serious disorders. We have formulated pHion Alkaline Minerals, neutralize the damaging acids that harm your body and assist you in preventing typical ailments caused by an overly acidic body.
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pHion Berry Superfruit
More Antioxidants than in 4 lbs. of fruit! Every day, your body is under attack by free radicals. Your best defense against free radicals is supply your body with a daily dose of a wide range of antioxidants. And that’s exactly what you’ll get with pHion Berry Superfruit.
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pHion Green Superfood - Powder
pHion Green Superfood contains the most complete blend of over 30 different alkaline forming foods - including alkalizing organic grasses, veggies and sprouts aimed at neutralizing damaging acids found in your system.
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pHion Ionic Colon Cleanse
The gentle, yet powerful cleanse! The secret behind the pHion Ionic Colon Cleanse efficacy is its ionic nature. The negatively charged elements in pHion Ionic Colon Cleanse binds and remove acids, microforms, toxins, and heavy metals from your colon.
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pHion Prebiotic Fiber
Helps grow and support healthy probiotics! pHion Prebiotic Fiber helps to feed and nourish your probiotics, which will give them a much better chance of successfully flourishing in your gut. Make your probiotics work better - with pHion Prebiotic Fiber.
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pHion Probiotic Blend
5 Billion beneficial Bacteria per serving! pHion Probiotic Blend is different than other probiotics because it features Gastric Acid Bypass technology. This advanced technology protects beneficial bacteria from light, heat, moisture and harsh stomach acid.
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AlkaPod Portable Alkaline Water Dispenser
The AlkaPod is a portable water dispenser that converts regular water into alkaline and ionized water that anyone can drink anywhere, anytime. The AlkaPod uses 13 types of minerals in its filter including Tourmaline, Zeolite and Maifanshi stone. These have been scientifically combined to give the optimal effect to the source water.
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Saturday, February 27, 2010
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