HGH Precursors
However, it must be understood that aging can be classified into two types: chronological aging and biological aging. Time is the main dictator of your age when you take a chronological view on aging. On the other hand, the biological take on the aging process considers how young your tissues are compared to how they are in the past and compares it to other people of the same chronological age.
Factors that Affect Aging
In the pursuit of finding the most effective answer to stop the human aging process, scientists must first determine the factors that serve as catalysts which foster this inevitable human phase. Based from these scientists' findings, chronologically or biologically speaking, aging still occurs. One main catalyst of aging is excessive stress. Repetitive disturbances that are inflicted on the human body tend to pile up for a certain period of time, and when these disturbances prove to be too much to take, hormonal imbalance can occur which ultimately leads to damaged cells. Read MoreMoreover, many scientists put the blame on the stress hormone which is termed as "cortisol". Unfortunately, in contrast to other helpful hormones on the human body, the cortisol inflicts damage on the hypothalamus which is responsible for regulating good hormones for the body. This induces further stress on the body. The very bad thing about this is that unlike the other good hormones which decrease with age, cortisols increase in number as the human body gets old. This kind of biological trend certainly pulls the human body into an inevitable downward spiral of old age.
Cortisol is an internal factor that applies stress on the human body; however, there are external factors from the environment. Cells which are mainly responsible for generating new tissues get damaged whenever they are exposed to various pollutants. These cells also contain vital genetic information that is passed on to new cells that are spawned during cell division. These new cells can be damaged when these are exposed to environmental pollutants such as radiation and chemical contaminants. If these cells are damaged even to a slightest level, the information that they carry get faulty, which leads to cell damage among newly formed cells. This process repeats itself with every cell division and this ultimately leads to the aging of the human body.
Another cause of stress is the build up of harmful toxins in the body. Each cell in the human body takes on a dual role of a "pump" and a "filter". It acts as a pump by letting in proper nutrition for the cells while hindering waste products from entering. This process constantly repeats itself and each cell works round the clock. The Membrane Theory of Aging postulates that over time, these process of filtering bad wastes or toxins becomes less efficient which then leads to aging. Moreover, scientists were able to determine that these toxin build-ups most likely occur in the lungs, heart, and skin which verify the probability of a typical person to experience complications within these areas of the human body.
Lastly, one of the most widely-accepted reasons behind the aging process is the Free Radical Theory. This theory basically believes that highly reactive chemicals known as free radicals are the ones responsible for breaking down tissues into a very degenerative state. In mild quantities, these free radicals are quite helpful to the human body. However, free radical in excessive amounts can already inflict damage upon the human body. These free radicals, being extremely reactive, have the capability to extract electrons from other molecules. Often times, free electrons tend to do it constantly that it wears down the cells that are responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of molecules which lost an electron. The perpetual process of extracting and repairing certainly tires out large number of cells which then starts the process of aging.
The Promise of HGH Supplements
By laying a solid grasp on these factors that lead to aging, scientists were able to come up with specific measures to, in the very least, slow down the process of aging. In the realm of nutrition, experts assert that to delay signs of aging, one must find the discipline in cutting down on the average amount of junk food intake everyday. One must opt to consume healthier food items such as fruits and vegetables plus take in snacks that are high in protein to aid hormone performance. Taking in Vitamin C and Vitamin E supplements can also slow down the process of aging.However, one of the best options in delaying the aging process of the human body is taking Human Growth Hormone supplements. When you take this Human Growth Hormone supplements, you do not literally consume actual growth hormones, but rather, what you take in are "precursors" that aid the pituitary gland to produce hormones that are helpful in maintaining the human body in the peak of its performance state. In particular, the GenF20™ HGH supplement uses proteins or amino acids in aiding the pituitary gland. But it was proven that there are three precursors that are more effective compared to other precursors. These precursors are Glutamine, Ornithine, and Arginine all of which belong under the "L" amino acids group while Arginine and Ornithine are well-known for their proficiency in producing growth hormones. This supplement is proven to help improve the overall efficiency of the human body plus help improve the human brain function as the human body age.
These recent discoveries on aging in tandem with the emergence of supplements that hamper the process of the human body's aging, gives us a tinge of hope that we can look forward to a longer and better life with our loved ones. With its promising benefits, it's no doubt that HGH supplements are truly the wave of the future.
health bio-alternatives anti-aging nutrition supplements wellness beauty human-growth growth-hormone detoxification weight-loss
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