The best Health care plan is to neutralize and destroy the toxin that go into your body with alkaline supplements, alkaline and organic foods. Today in the health food industry it is widely excepted that vibrant health and energy begins with properly balancing the body's pH levels. It is critically important to understand how health and disease can be determined by the degree of alkalinity or acidity in the body's tissue and fluids. The more toxicity we put into our body the more acidic it becomes which places our system out of pH balance. This can create an environment for sickness and disease.
In order to reduce the toxicity in our body which can reduce acidity, a few simple lifestyle changes need to be implemented. First, consume as little processed foods as possible. Always read labels. The longer the ingredient list the less natural the product. Avoid foods with chemical additives, pesticides, hormones, hydrogenated oil and any form of processed foods. Second, start eating organic meats, fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Organic foods are far more nutritious and free of toxic pesticides and hormones. Today organic food markets are virtually in every city and your health is worth the slight extra cost.
Alkaline Products:
pHion Whole Body Detoxification also includes herbal extracts, amino acids, and organic sulfur to aid in detoxifying your entire system, particularly those places hardest hit by toxins: your liver, your kidneys, and your lymphatic system.
pHion Acid Drainage
Naturally drains acids right out of your body! Strong acids like uric acid, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid are corrosive to your insides and are very hard to eliminate. pHion Acid Drainage helps eliminate these strong acids via your kidneys and skin.
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pHion Alkaline Minerals
Alkaline Minerals that punish acids! Excess acid can cause low energy, fatigue, excess weight, poor digestion, aches, pains, and even more serious disorders. We have formulated pHion Alkaline Minerals, neutralize the damaging acids that harm your body and assist you in preventing typical ailments caused by an overly acidic body.
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pHion Berry Superfruit
More Antioxidants than in 4 lbs. of fruit! Every day, your body is under attack by free radicals. Your best defense against free radicals is supply your body with a daily dose of a wide range of antioxidants. And that’s exactly what you’ll get with pHion Berry Superfruit.
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pHion Green Superfood - Powder
pHion Green Superfood contains the most complete blend of over 30 different alkaline forming foods - including alkalizing organic grasses, veggies and sprouts aimed at neutralizing damaging acids found in your system.
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pHion Ionic Colon Cleanse
The gentle, yet powerful cleanse! The secret behind the pHion Ionic Colon Cleanse efficacy is its ionic nature. The negatively charged elements in pHion Ionic Colon Cleanse binds and remove acids, microforms, toxins, and heavy metals from your colon.
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pHion Prebiotic Fiber
Helps grow and support healthy probiotics! pHion Prebiotic Fiber helps to feed and nourish your probiotics, which will give them a much better chance of successfully flourishing in your gut. Make your probiotics work better - with pHion Prebiotic Fiber.
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pHion Probiotic Blend
5 Billion beneficial Bacteria per serving! pHion Probiotic Blend is different than other probiotics because it features Gastric Acid Bypass technology. This advanced technology protects beneficial bacteria from light, heat, moisture and harsh stomach acid.
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AlkaPod Portable Alkaline Water Dispenser
The AlkaPod is a portable water dispenser that converts regular water into alkaline and ionized water that anyone can drink anywhere, anytime. The AlkaPod uses 13 types of minerals in its filter including Tourmaline, Zeolite and Maifanshi stone. These have been scientifically combined to give the optimal effect to the source water.
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Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Why Microforms are so Crippling to your Health
The worst thing that microforms do is emit substances that are toxic to human health, such as mycotoxins, exotoxins, and endotoxins.
Mycotoxins are toxins produced by fungi — including mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. Have you ever heard stories of amateur mushroom hunters who ended up in the hospital after making an identification mistake? They were poisoned by mycotoxins.
But mycotoxins are far more widespread than you probably realize. In fact, an amazing 25% of the world’s food supply is contaminated by mycotoxins! They frequently contaminate grains, but they can also occur in the meat, eggs, and milk of animals that have eaten contaminated grains.
Exotoxins are excreted by bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa. They have the ability to disrupt cellular metabolism and ultimately destroy cells. Famous examples of exotoxins include botulinum toxin (excreted by Clostridium botulinum) and tetanus toxin (excreted by Clostridium tetani).
Endotoxins are not secreted; they’re actually part of the outer cell membrane of live bacteria. When the bacteria die, the endotoxins are released into the system. Famous examples of bacteria that contain endotoxins are E. coli and Salmonella.
In order to jump-start the process of balancing your pH, it’s imperative that you “clean house” and eradicate the microforms and their corresponding toxins.
pHion Whole Body Detoxification
Eliminates Acid-Creating Microforms .Contains 12 natural botanicals. Helps detoxify the Liver, Lymph and Kidneys. Eradicates Mycotoxins, Exotoxins, and Endotoxins. Easy to swallow capsules. Microforms such as bacteria, yeasts, fungus, and mold thrive in acidity. These damaging organisms love to swim in their own toxic waste, and flourish in the low oxygen levels that come with acidity. When your body becomes chronically acidic, microforms proliferate and further acidify your body - creating a never ending cycle. In an acidic environment, these ugly organisms grow out of control, breaking down tissues, bodily processes, and your immunity system. The end result of this overgrowth is a body that's weak, tired, and prone to potentially serious health complications.
Since microforms are living organisms, they require food in order to survive. After they digest glucose, proteins and fats in your body, they excrete poisonous mycotoxins, exotoxins, and endotoxins. Toxins like these are severely damaging to healthy cellular function and reproduction. These toxins are also strong acids that must be eliminated. In order to jump start the process of balancing your pH, it's imperative that you “clean house” and eradicate the microforms and their corresponding toxins. pHion Whole Body Detoxification helps to eliminate bacteria, yeast, and fungus as well as the toxins they produce. Once eliminated, these microforms cannot thrive in an alkaline terrain. read more continue
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Remove Parasites with Water Ionizers
Five years ago, crytosporidium, a single-celled parasite living in the intestines of warm-blooded mammals, caused the deaths for more than 50 people in Milwaukee and sickened almost 400,000 others.
The fact that crytosporidium is resistant to chlorine disinfection, the method commonly used to ensure safe drinking water, concerns experts.
"The dormant form of crytosporidium, called an oocyst, are tough-walled," says Dr. James Hairston, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System water quality scientist. "These oocysts can survive a variety of hostile environmental conditions including chlorine disinfection.
The physical removal of occysts during water filtration is essential to public health. The cryptosporidium outbreak in Milwaukee was linked to a faulty water-filtration system.
During filtration, water pumped from rivers or lakes into a treatment plant is mixed with coagulants that help remove material in the water.
The federal Environmental Protection Agency have set standards for sediment and coliform bacteria amounts allowed in drinking water. Both are considered good indicators of the presence of pathogens in water. Frequent monitoring during the treatment process also is required to ensure early detection of public health-related problems. However, even with these stringent standards, officials can't be certain of detecting cryptosporidium.
"Unfortunately, there are no water quality indicators to reliably predict the occurrence of cryptosporidiosis," Hairston says. But, more accurate and rapid tests are being developed so residents can be alerted immediately if water supply is contaminated. Experts are confident these rapid-response techniques will go a long way toward reducing the risk of massive outbreaks similar to what occurred in Milwaukee in 1993.
The risk of waterborne cryptosporidiosis from public drinking water varies depending on the quality of the source water and the type of water treatment system. People suffering from immune system disorders, such as AIDS, should be especially aware of the risks associated with cryptosporidium, Hairston says.
"Since HIV-infected people are especially vulnerable to the effects of cryptosporidiosis, they should closely follow guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and talk with their health-care providers about safe drinking water," Hairston says.
Although boiling remains the best method for safeguarding against the parasite, Hairston says point-of-use filters also are effective against the parasite.
Whatever device one chooses, he says it's essential that the filters possess an "absolute" pore size of one micron or smaller in order to guarantee the oocysts will be removed.
The most common symptom of crytosporidiosis is diarrhea, accompanied by abdominal cramping, nausea, low-grade fever and/or dehydration. Symptoms usually develop from two to 10 days after infection.
"Generally, healthy people are ill with cryptosporidium for only a few days but symptoms can last up to two weeks," says Hairston, adding that some may not even show symptoms. "Some, on the other hand, seem to recover and get worse again, and those who are infected may shed occysts in their stools for months, even after the symptoms have disappeared," he adds.
People around the glob are investing in Water Ionizer to insure their life and heath because water is becoming a global issue.
Jupiter Aquarius Ionizer, Jupiter Melody Ionizer, Jupiter Venus Ionizer , AlkaPod Portable Alkaline Water Dispenser Colloidal Silver Liquid drops
alkaline anti-aging antioxidant blood candida cattle-fluke colon detoxification disease energy flu flukes health herbal herbs illness intestinal ionizer kidney-cleanse limu liver-cleanse metabolic-waste nutrition organs parasites public skin stomach tape-worms toxic toxins water weight-loss
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Your Health and Acidosis
Research from the U.S. National Library of Medicine
Acidosis is a condition in which there is excessive acid in the body fluids. It is the opposite of alkalosis (a condition in which there is excessive base in the body fluids). The kidneys and lungs maintain the balance (proper pH level) of chemicals called acids and bases in the body. Acidosis occurs when acid builds up or when bicarbonate (a base) is lost. Acidosis is classified as either respiratory acidosis or metabolic acidosis.
Respiratory acidosis develops when there is too much carbon dioxide (an acid) in the body. This type of acidosis is usually caused by a decreased ability to remove carbon dioxide from the body through effective breathing. Other names for respiratory acidosis are hypercapnic acidosis and carbon dioxide acidosis. Causes of respiratory acidosis include:
Chest deformities, such as kyphosis
Chest injuries
Chest muscle weakness
Chronic lung disease
Over-use of sedative drugs
Metabolic acidosis develops when too much acid is produced or when the kidneys cannot remove enough acid from the body. There are several types of metabolic acidosis: Diabetic acidosis (also called diabetic ketoacidosis and DKA) develops when substances called ketone bodies (which are acidic) build up during uncontrolled diabetes.
Hyperchloremic acidosis results from excessive loss of sodium bicarbonate from the body, as can happen with severe diarrhea.
Lactic acidosis is a buildup of lactic acid. This can be caused by:
Exercising vigorously for a very long time
Liver failure
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
Medications such as salicylates
Prolonged lack of oxygen from shock, heart failure, or severe anemia
The bottom line is, if you change the chemistry environment of your body your going to change your health for the better. Do what you can afford to alkalize your system, whether its with water food or supplement or all the above as a way of life. Here are the best products that I use myself. If you can't afford an Ionizer or a portable Ionizer. Drink distilled water with a half lemon squeezed and 3 teaspoons of Hydrogen Peroxide per gallon that will make a low grade alkaline water and won't have all your minerals like the Ionizers do. Its a lot better than drinking tap water and more healing.
Dr Hulda Clark Parasite Cleanse, Snyder Health Ionic Body Cleanse, Water Ionizer, Alkaline Minerals, Alkaline water drops, Portable Ionizer, Free Radical Cleanse Alkaline test strips.
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Acidosis is a condition in which there is excessive acid in the body fluids. It is the opposite of alkalosis (a condition in which there is excessive base in the body fluids). The kidneys and lungs maintain the balance (proper pH level) of chemicals called acids and bases in the body. Acidosis occurs when acid builds up or when bicarbonate (a base) is lost. Acidosis is classified as either respiratory acidosis or metabolic acidosis.
Respiratory acidosis develops when there is too much carbon dioxide (an acid) in the body. This type of acidosis is usually caused by a decreased ability to remove carbon dioxide from the body through effective breathing. Other names for respiratory acidosis are hypercapnic acidosis and carbon dioxide acidosis. Causes of respiratory acidosis include:
Chest deformities, such as kyphosis
Chest injuries
Chest muscle weakness
Chronic lung disease
Over-use of sedative drugs
Metabolic acidosis develops when too much acid is produced or when the kidneys cannot remove enough acid from the body. There are several types of metabolic acidosis: Diabetic acidosis (also called diabetic ketoacidosis and DKA) develops when substances called ketone bodies (which are acidic) build up during uncontrolled diabetes.
Hyperchloremic acidosis results from excessive loss of sodium bicarbonate from the body, as can happen with severe diarrhea.
Lactic acidosis is a buildup of lactic acid. This can be caused by:
Exercising vigorously for a very long time
Liver failure
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
Medications such as salicylates
Prolonged lack of oxygen from shock, heart failure, or severe anemia
The bottom line is, if you change the chemistry environment of your body your going to change your health for the better. Do what you can afford to alkalize your system, whether its with water food or supplement or all the above as a way of life. Here are the best products that I use myself. If you can't afford an Ionizer or a portable Ionizer. Drink distilled water with a half lemon squeezed and 3 teaspoons of Hydrogen Peroxide per gallon that will make a low grade alkaline water and won't have all your minerals like the Ionizers do. Its a lot better than drinking tap water and more healing.
Dr Hulda Clark Parasite Cleanse, Snyder Health Ionic Body Cleanse, Water Ionizer, Alkaline Minerals, Alkaline water drops, Portable Ionizer, Free Radical Cleanse Alkaline test strips.
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Saturday, February 20, 2010
Reverse the Decline of HGH with Sytropin
This compromised immune system often starts as allergies that we never had when we were younger. Also, as a result of hormone decline many people simply don't feel well, although they are not clinically diagnosed as having a particular condition. Taking HGH has clearly been shown to offset hormone decline and make people feel better and function in a higher capacity, improve the immune system and improve overall general health. Sytropin is the best HGH product without a prescription.
acid alkaline anti-aging bacteria body candida colon-cleanse detoxification disease energy fitness flukes growth-hormone handicap health herbal herbs hgh human-growth illness metabolism nutrition parasite parasitic-worms ph-balance probiotics supplements thyroid toxic toxins weight-loss worms
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Friday, February 19, 2010
Growing Older Not Old with HGH
OLD speaks of a loss of freedom, lack of dignity, ostracized, disease, no sex, no fun, no making a difference. Older can speak of wisdom, grace, balance, refinement, belonging and contribution. Wasting away in a retirement home is not living and you have the rite to choose to retain youthful well being until your genetic time clock runs out. Seriously, it doesn't take much to have these wonderfully resilient bodies and minds to last very well until the day it is over; it just takes simple common sense and consistency. We do not quit playing because we grow old, we grow old when we stop. Our bodies are warm blooded, calorie burning, hormone craving machines that require some basic things to efficiently last a very, long time. You must flood your body with quality nutrients and bio-available supplements because we do not get them in our food source.
The proper hydration is vital. We all need water to sustain life but the right water is most important. Tap water is very contaminated with lead, bacteria, harmful chemicals and parasites. The human body is made up of 70% water and the type of water you drink makes all of the difference in the world. I use alkaline water via ionization process in my home. I tested the pH around 10.4; that is very intense considering water is usually just under 7. Based on the high base pH you will also have a high supply of donor electrons to bathe and heal every single cell you have.
Hormonally, you are either fertile or fertilizer, and nature could care less if you choose to be fertilizer. There is the master hormone, HGH, Human Growth Hormone, Growth Hormone that is produced by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain. HGH promotes tissue repair, cell regeneration in the bones, muscles and vital organs, and supports the immune system in combating infection and disease. As the body's cells die off, HGH acts as a "trigger" to ensure that replacement cells are healthy and readily available. As we age, our HGH levels decline, causing our cell replacement levels to reduce to a fraction of the levels of our youth, you will have less HGH tomorrow as you do today.
The results? Sagging skin, graying hair, muscle loss, weight gain (especially around the waist), slower memory, reduced energy levels, illness and disease. The exact reason why the pituitary gland's production of HGH falls so rapidly remains a mystery. By the age of forty, nearly everyone is deficient in HGH, and by eighty years of age, the body's production has usually diminished by 90-95%.
Look and Feel Younger, Happier and More Energetic with Sytropin HGH. It has a 90 day money back Guarantee. I use it myself and hope to never be without it! I am 50 years old and people do not believe me when I tell them. It does all it says and more. I can also tell you that I don't get sick not even a cold and that the honest to God truth. I keep my body detoxed and alkalized and well supplied with HGH and plan to live an energetic active Older life and you can too!
The proper hydration is vital. We all need water to sustain life but the right water is most important. Tap water is very contaminated with lead, bacteria, harmful chemicals and parasites. The human body is made up of 70% water and the type of water you drink makes all of the difference in the world. I use alkaline water via ionization process in my home. I tested the pH around 10.4; that is very intense considering water is usually just under 7. Based on the high base pH you will also have a high supply of donor electrons to bathe and heal every single cell you have.
Hormonally, you are either fertile or fertilizer, and nature could care less if you choose to be fertilizer. There is the master hormone, HGH, Human Growth Hormone, Growth Hormone that is produced by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain. HGH promotes tissue repair, cell regeneration in the bones, muscles and vital organs, and supports the immune system in combating infection and disease. As the body's cells die off, HGH acts as a "trigger" to ensure that replacement cells are healthy and readily available. As we age, our HGH levels decline, causing our cell replacement levels to reduce to a fraction of the levels of our youth, you will have less HGH tomorrow as you do today.
The results? Sagging skin, graying hair, muscle loss, weight gain (especially around the waist), slower memory, reduced energy levels, illness and disease. The exact reason why the pituitary gland's production of HGH falls so rapidly remains a mystery. By the age of forty, nearly everyone is deficient in HGH, and by eighty years of age, the body's production has usually diminished by 90-95%.
Look and Feel Younger, Happier and More Energetic with Sytropin HGH. It has a 90 day money back Guarantee. I use it myself and hope to never be without it! I am 50 years old and people do not believe me when I tell them. It does all it says and more. I can also tell you that I don't get sick not even a cold and that the honest to God truth. I keep my body detoxed and alkalized and well supplied with HGH and plan to live an energetic active Older life and you can too!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Why A Clean Colon Is So Important!
Death Begins In The Colon! Colon cancer is currently the second leading cancer killer in the United States. We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and unhealthy chemicals on a daily basis. We take them in from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the prescription medications we take.
These toxins and dangerous chemicals, along with the American diet lead to poor digestion, constipation, headaches, unwanted weight gain, low energy, poor athletic performance and accelerated aging, inflammation and auto-immune disorders and many other horrible human illnesses. At least 80% of people who have passed away, are clogged up with waste material.
This waste material and an acidic system gives parasites an ideal place to live. These tiny creatures are alive, and all too often they severely damage every cell in our bodies. According to National Geographic Parasites Have Killed More Humans Than All The Wars In History!
Acidic blood (having low pH levels) can create toxic and acidic waste (acidosis). This is a dangerously destructive circumstance because it can lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Cancer, Bacteria and Viruses thrive in an Acidic Environment and are known to cause such conditions as these:
There are three therapy's or three steps that I firmly believe in to establish and maintain vigor and youthful health.
1. A Parasitic cleanse, pHion Antioxidant, pH Ionic colon cleanse
2. pH alkaline blood balance through diet and pH supplementation
3. Human growth hormone supplement
Every link I have provided here is your beginning to great health and healing. Start with the parasitic cleanse followed by the pH Ionic colon cleanse followed by pH alkaline then start the antioxidant, pH supplements and human growth hormones and continue to take them. Eat a sensible diet more soy protein instead of animal protein and a multivitamin and you will live a longer happier life. Also the blood test strips you will need to check your pH regularly. pH water drops are optional.
These toxins and dangerous chemicals, along with the American diet lead to poor digestion, constipation, headaches, unwanted weight gain, low energy, poor athletic performance and accelerated aging, inflammation and auto-immune disorders and many other horrible human illnesses. At least 80% of people who have passed away, are clogged up with waste material.
This waste material and an acidic system gives parasites an ideal place to live. These tiny creatures are alive, and all too often they severely damage every cell in our bodies. According to National Geographic Parasites Have Killed More Humans Than All The Wars In History!
Acidic blood (having low pH levels) can create toxic and acidic waste (acidosis). This is a dangerously destructive circumstance because it can lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Cancer, Bacteria and Viruses thrive in an Acidic Environment and are known to cause such conditions as these:
- Parasite infection
- Osteoporosis, weak, brittle bones, bone spurs and calcium deposits
- Various forms of Cancer
- Higher blood pressure
- Weight and fat gain, obesity, insulin disorders, and diabetes
- A compromised immune system
- Increased stress
- Acceleration of free radical damage
- Liver, Bladder and Kidney conditions
- Premature aging, headaches, sinusitis, constipation, hemorrhoids
- Osteoarthritis, joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup
- Hormonal imbalances, Prostate problems and adult acne
- Low energy and chronic fatigue, acid indigestion
- Neurological Diseases: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's
- Auto-immune disorders: Fibromyalgia, Lupus
- Cardiac and vascular damage, arteries, clots, reduction of oxygen
There are three therapy's or three steps that I firmly believe in to establish and maintain vigor and youthful health.
1. A Parasitic cleanse, pHion Antioxidant, pH Ionic colon cleanse
2. pH alkaline blood balance through diet and pH supplementation
3. Human growth hormone supplement
Every link I have provided here is your beginning to great health and healing. Start with the parasitic cleanse followed by the pH Ionic colon cleanse followed by pH alkaline then start the antioxidant, pH supplements and human growth hormones and continue to take them. Eat a sensible diet more soy protein instead of animal protein and a multivitamin and you will live a longer happier life. Also the blood test strips you will need to check your pH regularly. pH water drops are optional.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Medical Herbs for Natural Medicine
There may be some effects when consumed in the small levels that typify culinary "spicing", and some herbs are toxic in larger quantities. For instance, some types of herbal extract, such as the extract of St. John's-wort or of kava can be used for medical purposes to relieve depression and stress. However, large amounts of these herbs may lead to poisoning, and should be used with caution. One herb-like substance, called Shilajit, may actually help lower blood glucose levels which is especially important for those suffering from diabetes. Herbs have long been used as the basis of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, with usage dating as far back as the first century CE.
Pest control
Herbs are also known amongst gardeners to be useful for pest control. Mint, spearmint, peppermint, and pennyroyal are a few of such herbs. These herbs when planted around a house's foundation can help keep unwanted critters away such as flies, mice, ants, fleas, moth and tick amongst others. They are not known to be harmful or dangerous to children or pets, or any of the house's fixtures.
List of plants used as medicine:
- Prickly ginseng- Aids digestion, cures hepatitis C, lowers blood pressure, increases stamina
- Agaricus blazei- May enhance immune system and have anti-cancer properties
- Garlic- Antibiotic stops infection
- Dill and Dill oil-and used to soothe the stomach after meals
- Sweet sagewort- Help to prevent the development of parasite resistance,it also has anti-malarial properties, and has anti-cancer properties
- Hawthorn- Nervous tension
- Purple coneflower, and other species of Echinacea-and Reduce the severity and duration of symptoms associated with colds and flu.
- Meadowsweet Fevers and inflammations. Pain relief. Ulcers. Bacteriostatic. Listed as therapeutical in 1652 by Nicholas Culpeper. In 1838, salicylic acid was isolated from the plant. The word Aspirin is derived from spirin, based on Meadowsweet's synonym name Spiraea ulmaria.
- St. John's wort- Antidepressant
- Goldenseal- Antimicrobial, Capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.
- Peppermint- Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Peristalsis
- Passion-flower- Insomnia
- Comfrey- Mends broken bones/stops infection.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Stevia A Herbal Remedy To Aspartame
Add a delicious new twist to your favorite foods and beverages with NOW French Vanilla Stevia with a pleasant Non-Bitter aftertaste. These convenient packets are tiny enough to take with you, making it easier than ever to enjoy the rich, smooth taste of French Vanilla. NOW French Vanilla Stevia contains no calories, has a non-bitter aftertaste, and is 100% free of artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives and truly is delicious.
Stevia is a small perennial plant native to Central and South America with a long and storied history. The Spanish conquistadors are credited with Stevia's initial discovery during their sixteenth century exploration of Central America. They reported that the natives used the leaves of this herb to counteract the bitter taste of a popular community drink, mate, and also used it as an herbal remedy for various ailments.
Health concerns and political controversies have limited stevia's availability in many countries; for example, the United States banned it in the early 1990s unless labeled as a supplement, but in 2008 approved rebaudioside-A extract as a food additive. While some countries limit or ban its use, Stevia is widely used as a sweetener in Japan, South America, and parts of Asia. Stevia also come in a Dark Chocolate liquid with a pleasant, Non-Bitter aftertaste. For your Health sake.
Natural herbal sweetner
Thursday, February 11, 2010
What is Your pH Balance?
The very first step in losing weight, healing a disease, boosting the immune system or just over all good health, you must detox and balance your pH levels. You will find that the body will heal much more rapidly when your chemistry is balanced.
ph Balance
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Aloe Vera Juice and Radiation Cancer
Naturally caution and fear overwhelmed her so she decided to drink Aloe Vera juice since it heals burns rapidly, during the entire process three time a day. This was 10 years ago at that time you could buy a gallon of Aloe Vera Juice for about 19 dollars at Wall Mart. They no longer carry that product. I have just found the same product and wanted to share this with you. Aloe Vera has many benefits to the human body packed with amino acids, vitamins, calcium, enzymes, sodium, nitrogen and more.
Aloe Vera include 75 nutrients and proved to be the best remedy for burns and wounds. This herb is very beneficial for reducing the blisters and sores. Aloe Vera can be utilized like a food preservative such as fresh fruit and legumes. It is utilized as an option to synthetic preservatives such as sulfur dioxide. One can also use aloe Vera as a medication to treat skin problems such as cuts, eczema and burns. Aloe Vera drains some fluid which is beneficial to reduce inflammation and pain.
A study has shown that when gel made up of Aloe Vera is applied on severe and moderate burns it takes just six days to recover from the wound. There are many cosmetic companies that mix aloe Vera fluid to many items such as makeup, sunscreens, soaps, shampoos and moisturizers. Many people who have sensitive and dry skin mainly utilize Aloe Vera gel. One can also treat fungal infections such as ringworm by using Aloe Vera products.
Aloe Vera juice is hard to find and also helps people who suffer from heartburn, ulcers and other digestive diseases. It also offers relaxation to people who suffer from indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. In some cases, one can use it like a medication. It also decreases the pigmentation and dark spots of the face. Therefore, there are large numbers of uses of Aloe Vera. My sister has never had a return case of throat cancer like most do. I'm not saying that Aloe Vera cured her cancer I'm just saying that it did something and her Doctor was amazed too that she didn't burn at all not even redness around the throat area.
Aloe Vera Juice Supplement
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Importance of Detoxification and Cleanse
Why be concerned? One of many good reasons is that these laboratory-created mutations are unlabeled, virtually untested and on grocery shelves everywhere.
We All Must Say No To GMOs! we need mandatory labeling, long-term independent safety testing, more stringent regulation and full corporate liability for damages resulting from the irresponsible introduction of GMOs to the food supply and environment. This is why we have so many health problems and pharmaceuticals sales are soaring. read more
Friday, February 5, 2010
Protein Shooters For Massive Muscle
Hydrogenates are the preferred type of protein. Their rapid absorption makes them an excellent choice for post-workout nutrition. Several studies have shown that hydrogenates specifically, whey are better retained by the body and have positive impacts on immune system function. Whey protein is also the highest biologically rated protein, the most effective in the body. The combination of this with the hydrolyzation process will ensure you are getting high quality protein. They are much more efficient in the body than regular (food) proteins.
There are three different types of whey proteins; Whey protein isolates, whey protein concentrates, and whey blends. Whey Protein Isolate powders go through the most rigorous filtering process to remove just about all fat and carbohydrates. In general, these powders will contain a higher percentage of protein compared to whey protein concentrate - around 90% protein. They are also the most expensive of the three. Whey Protein Concentrate (generally around 75% to 80% protein) is much more economical than the Isolates because the process of removing most of the carbs and fat is relatively inexpensive, compared to getting the maximal amounts out to isolate the protein. Blended whey protein powders contain blends of various protein sources - including whey protein. These are recommended for general use throughout the day and at bed time. Read More
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Aging and Human Growth
HGH Precursors
However, it must be understood that aging can be classified into two types: chronological aging and biological aging. Time is the main dictator of your age when you take a chronological view on aging. On the other hand, the biological take on the aging process considers how young your tissues are compared to how they are in the past and compares it to other people of the same chronological age.
Factors that Affect Aging
In the pursuit of finding the most effective answer to stop the human aging process, scientists must first determine the factors that serve as catalysts which foster this inevitable human phase. Based from these scientists' findings, chronologically or biologically speaking, aging still occurs. One main catalyst of aging is excessive stress. Repetitive disturbances that are inflicted on the human body tend to pile up for a certain period of time, and when these disturbances prove to be too much to take, hormonal imbalance can occur which ultimately leads to damaged cells. Read More
GenF20 and Aging
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Are You Sick and Tired? Here are some Tips
To get and stay healthy you have to follow these guidelines. Simply stated, in order to maintain the cycle of balance within your system, everyone needs a good W.O.M.A.N. The acronym stands for:
W | ater | Hydration is essential. Drink lots and lots of water- at least one gallon per day. | |
O | xygen | Cells need oxygen to produce energy. | |
M | inerals | The body uses minerals to perform many different functions - from building strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses. | |
A | lkalinity | Eating high-alkaline foods help maintain the acid/base balance of your system. | |
N | utrients | The seven nutrient groups are - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, roughage, and fluid. |
For an in-depth look at each component, click the corresponding link.
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26 Ways To Prevent and/or Reverse An Acidic Cancerous Condition
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