Friday, January 15, 2010

What is Cellulitis?

If you eat well and live well, you're ahead of many adults for taking your future health into your own hands. But what you don't know about free radicals could thwart your efforts. Sun exposure, food, pollution, genetically modified foods produce damaging free radicals.

The cells in your body accumulate free radical damage that can lead to oxidation and aging. Keeping your body detoxified with an antioxidants will defuse the harmful effects of free radicals. Breakthrough research reveals the positive effects that Original Limu has on your health. This powerful seaweed extract attacks free radicals at the cellular level while giving cells more time to repair damage. Original Limu is an all natural healer especially on a cellular level. I personally have seen it cure my Mothers Cellulitis that you get from Lantus insulin or any animal base insulin.

This animal base insulin has an agent in it to cause cell division in the body especially in the area that has little or no circulation resulting in bacterial infection of the skin and tissues beneath the skin that starts out as Streptococcus and Staphylococcus ("staph"), the same bacteria they call MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staph aureus) that can also cause cellulitis, sometimes, other bacteria which eventually needs amputation. I found this out after My Mother had a bad case of it and found out you can get it through certain insulin. Read more

After intensive research on the Lantus insulin or insulin glargine
(redirect from Lantus) Insulin glargine, marketed by Sanofi-Aventis under the name Lantus, is a long-acting basal insulin analogue , given once daily. I found through Pub Med and other Research Centers that it was black boxed in Europe and other country's because of it adverse affects. So immediately I  her off Lantus and  back on humulin insulin and out of the Nursing Home,  and had to fight the doctors to do it because they had plans for amputation of her legs. The Nursing Home would not allow her to take her Original Limu because it would have combated the effects of the Lantus.
I put her back on Original Limu and Oil of Oregano for a topical antibiotic to combat her skin lesions. It took three months for her legs to heal. I have noticed that when Mother is not taking Original limu she has major health problem. She is on a fixed income and can't always afford it but,  she can't afford to be without it either. My Mother is 78 years old with diabetes and has other health issues and complications, Original Limu has kept her alive for the past 5 years and she still has both her legs to this day. More information on Original Limu
The information presented within this site is not intended to diagnose illness or prescribe treatment. I just wanted to share my personal experience with you. You should always consult a qualified medical practitioner with a knowledge of natural supplements before starting a course of supplements and before making any change to any prescribed medication or course of treatment.
                           Here's To You're Health Supplements

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