Saturday, January 9, 2010

Original Limu Supplements and More

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland inside the neck, located in front of the breathing airway, or trachea, and below the larynx, or voicebox. It produces two thyroid hormones - tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) - that travel though the blood to all tissues of the body.
Thyroid hormones regulate how the body breaks down food and either uses that energy immediately or stores it for the future. In other words, our thyroid hormones regulate our body's metabolism.
Another gland, called the pituitary gland, actually controls how well the thyroid works. The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and produces thyroid-stimulating hormone. The bloodstream carries this thyroid-stimulating hormone to the thyroid gland, where it tells the thyroid to produce more thyroid hormones, as needed.
Thyroid hormones influence virtually every organ system in the body. They tell organs how fast or slow they should work. Thyroid hormones also regulate the consumption of oxygen and the production of heat.

Endocrinologists - physicians and scientists who study and care for  patients with endocrine gland and hormone problems - study and treat  several major disorders of the thyroid gland. I will briefly describe  these disorders and some thyroid disease symptoms here. 

Too much thyroid hormone from  an overactive thyroid gland is called hyperthyroidism, because it  speeds up the body's metabolism. Hyperthyroidism occurs in about 1  percent of all women, who get this condition more often than men. One of  the most frequent forms of hyperthyroidism is known as Graves' disease.  This autoimmune disorder tends to run in families, although the exact nature  of the genetic abnormality is unknown. The autoimmune disorder will have to be address as well.

Because the thyroid gland is causing a hormone imbalance by producing  too much hormone in hyperthyroidism, the body develops an increased  metabolic state, with many body systems developing abnormal function.

.Hyperthyroidism, the result of an overactive thyroid, more commonly affects women between the ages of 20 and 40, but men can also develop this condition. The symptoms of this thyroid condition can be frightening. 

Symptoms can include:
  • Muscle weakness
  • Trembling hands
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea or frequent bowel movements
  • Irritability and anxiety
  • Vision problems (irritated eyes or difficulty seeing)
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Intolerance to heat and increased sweating
  • Infertility

Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. It occurs when the immune system produces antibodies that attack the thyroid gland, making it produce too many thyroid hormones and creating a hormone imbalance. This condition happens often in people with a family history of thyroid disease. In some patients with Graves' disease, one of the noticeable symptoms may be swelling behind the eyes, causing discomfort or increased tearing or causing the eyes to push forward or bulge.

Too little thyroid hormone from an underactive thyroid gland is called hypothyroidism, another hormone imbalance caused by thyroid problems. In hypothyroidism, the body's metabolism is slowed. Several causes for this condition exist, most of which affect the thyroid gland directly, impairing its ability to make enough hormone. More rarely, there may be a pituitary gland tumor (located near the base of the brain), which blocks the pituitary from producing thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). As a consequence, the thyroid fails to produce a sufficient supply of hormones needed for good health.

Whether the problem is caused by the thyroid conditions or the pituitary gland, the result is that the thyroid is under producing hormones, causing many physical and mental processes to become sluggish. The body consumes less oxygen and produces less body heat.

So be careful when using a HgH or Health Supplements they do work but, other aspects need consideration such as the immune system. I feel all three (thyroid, pituitary gland, immune system) should undergo therapy consecutive (one after the other) for the safest and maximum results, just as the Body Builder doing their repetitions.  Most Body Builders are well educated on Nutrition and Health Supplements and rarely take one Health Supplement.

The formula that works for me and continually works is:

The First month take Original Limu Supplement. It is all natural in every aspect and targets all three mentioned above The Pituitary gland, The Immune System and the Thyroid and contains the most powerful nutrient on the planet called Fuciodan that come from a brown seaweed. More information on Original Limu Here .

Gradually add your HgH Supplement of choice depending on what you want to accomplish with your body....I personally use the oral and stay on both for life if you can afford it. Exercise and eat right. I have the inactive thyroid and this works for me along with my daily workouts and diet.

I will post more on this topic later Remember to consult a physician before you start any exercise or diet supplement regiment.

One response to “Original Limu Supplements and More”

Russell Moris said...

In contrast, natural thyroid supplements may compensate for symptoms of low thyroid or, in some cases, improve the functioning of the thyroid itself. It can require some work to find the right one. Generally, it is a good idea to work with a naturopath or or other health care professional.