Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why A Clean Colon Is So Important!

Death Begins In The Colon! Colon cancer is currently the second leading cancer killer in the United States. We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and unhealthy chemicals on a daily basis. We take them in from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the prescription medications we take.

These toxins and dangerous chemicals, along with the American diet lead to poor digestion, constipation, headaches, unwanted weight gain, low energy, poor athletic performance and accelerated aging, inflammation and auto-immune disorders and many other horrible human illnesses. At least 80% of people who have passed away, are clogged up with waste material.

This waste material and an acidic system gives parasites an ideal place to live. These tiny creatures are alive, and all too often they severely damage every cell in our bodies. According to National Geographic Parasites Have Killed More Humans Than All The Wars In History!

Acidic blood (having low pH levels) can create toxic and acidic waste (acidosis). This is a dangerously destructive circumstance because it can lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Cancer, Bacteria and Viruses thrive in an Acidic Environment and are known to cause such conditions as these:
  • Parasite infection
  • Osteoporosis, weak, brittle bones, bone spurs and calcium deposits
  • Various forms of Cancer
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Weight and fat gain, obesity, insulin disorders, and diabetes
  • A compromised immune system
  • Increased stress
  • Acceleration of free radical damage
  • Liver, Bladder and Kidney conditions
  • Premature aging, headaches, sinusitis, constipation, hemorrhoids
  • Osteoarthritis, joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup
  • Hormonal imbalances, Prostate problems and adult acne
  • Low energy and chronic fatigue, acid indigestion
  • Neurological Diseases: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's
  • Auto-immune disorders: Fibromyalgia, Lupus
  • Cardiac and vascular damage, arteries, clots, reduction of oxygen
    And many more colon cleansing and ph therapy and pH water drops should be administered on a regular basis if you continue to eat drink and breath and should become routine in your life if you want to be healthy and combat diseases.

    There are three therapy's or three steps that I firmly believe in to establish and maintain vigor and youthful health.
    1. A Parasitic cleanse, pHion Antioxidant, pH Ionic colon cleanse
    2. pH alkaline blood balance through diet and pH supplementation
    3. Human growth hormone supplement

    Every link I have provided here is your beginning to great health and healing. Start with the parasitic cleanse followed by the pH Ionic colon cleanse followed by pH alkaline then start the antioxidant, pH supplements and human growth hormones and continue to take them. Eat a sensible diet more soy protein instead of animal protein and a multivitamin and you will live a longer happier life. Also the blood test strips you will need to check your pH regularly. pH water drops are optional.

    One response to “Why A Clean Colon Is So Important!”

    phion said...

    To pH Balance your body, use pHion pH test strips and alkaline supplements. pHion's alkalizing supplements range from alkaline water, prebiotics to colloidal silver.