An effective exercise program should include both endurance training (walking, jogging, cycling, etc.) as well as two or three strength training (resistance training) sessions a week using light to moderate weights (2 to 20 pounds). Please remember to consult with your Physician or Health care Professional before beginning any supplement or exercise program.
Eat a Natural Foods Diet We've heard this so many times, but this truth never changes. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables (organic if possible) can produce tremendous benefits for your health. All other dietary basics apply: low in saturated animal fats, fast food/junk food is out, eat around five or six small meals (healthy snacks included) per day.
Keep your body weight within normal range for your height and frame. And its amazing how many troubling health problems seem to go away when we eliminate excess poundage. You Must Properly Hydrate (Drink enough Water) This critical issue cannot be emphasized enough. Virtually all biochemical processes in your body occur in a water medium. If you care to have your body running efficiently and remaining young, you absolutely must water it! When you do all these things and add Sytropin hgh supplement your body and immune system changes with outstanding results.
As we become older, we are prone to dehydration, many times without even knowing it. Drink at least 64 ounces (one-half gallon), about 6 to 8 glasses, of pure water or clear, healthy juices per day. Fresh Air and Sunshine A breath of good, clean air is great for the body as well as the soul. It's hard to get too much fresh air. Now, as for sunshine, a little bit is very good for your body, too, and of course, simply don't over expose.
Just as life on earth would end without sunlight, your life also needs a little healthy sunshine to keep you alive and living young. Reduce Stress Numerous studies show that stress can impair your immune system as well as accelerate the aging process. Essentially, stress can cause nearly every illness found in the medical dictionary. So, choose among such stress reducing techniques as meditation, yoga, exercise, etc., and be certain to set aside specific time to practice them regularly. Note: The HgH Supplement that I recommend and take myself is Sytropin HGH Oral Spray.
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