Friday, January 22, 2010

pHIon D-Tox Detoxification Complex

pHion Whole Body DetoxificationSince microforms are living organisms, they require food in order to survive. After they digest glucose, proteins and fats in your body, they excrete poisonous mycotoxins, exotoxins, and endotoxins. Toxins like these are severely damaging to healthy cellular function and reproduction. These toxins are also strong acids that must be eliminated. In order to jump start the process of balancing your pH, it's imperative that you “clean house” and eradicate the microforms and their corresponding toxins.
Detoxify your WHOLE body! pHion Whole Body Detoxification helps to eliminate bacteria, yeast, and fungi — as well as the toxins they produce – throughout your WHOLE body. 

Plus, it will give your liver, kidneys and lymphatic system a detox tune-up. You don't have to buy a colon, kidney or liver cleanse this one does all the three plus the whole body and for 27 dollars is unreal. I have paid 185 dollars just for a kidney cleanse for my mother and the liver cleanse is a little less than that. This is better because it alkaline your body in the process.

You may or may not know how hard it is to combat yeast or candida which comes from insulin, antibiotics and other medication and is very aggressive. it takes six months to completely get rid of it with Snyder Health's Body detox and Oil of Oregano at least 85% alcohol free. I prefer the gelcaps because the drops have a strong taste. Most insulin dependent people have candida problems. Oil of Oregano is also a naturally-occurring antioxidant and antibiotic. I included a link to them if you want to order. They do not have an affiliate program, if they did you could get it here, just click on Oil of Oregano and it will take you to the brand I use.  Have a good Day!

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One response to “pHIon D-Tox Detoxification Complex”

Rahim said...

This D-Tox sounds good because it seems like a more simple process than some other brands on the market.