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One of the most important principles in the pH miracle diet is the concept of cleansing your body of the acidic materials that are built up within. The ph miracle diet is a cleansing diet. It performs a cleansing of the body and its tissues and organs. This cleansing is almost like setting the “restart” button on your body. Any conditions you have developed from improper diet and lifestyle will start to dissipate. Cleansing diets like the pH miracle diet will help give your body the nutritional support it needs to function at an optimum level.
To understand what a cleansing diet is you need to understand how the body cleanses itself. The body rids itself of harmful elements through the colon, skin, lungs and bladder. The liver, kidneys and lymphatic system all assist with this cleansing. The liver is the organ in the body that is primarily responsible for body detoxification. When the liver is not functioning properly it cannot change toxins like alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, pesticides, drugs, antibiotics and additives into waste matter. If your liver doesn’t work, you are poisoning yourself. The liver can become stressed through improper digestion (eating processed foods), yeast overgrowth, parasites, dehydration and inadequate water intake.
Cleansing your liver is the best thing you can do for your health and for the restoration of proper pH to your body. When you undergo a program, like the pH miracle diet that cleanses the liver it normally requires the liver to work harder than it has before. You must add live enzymes to the diet rather than drawing them from the liver. The live enzymes will alkalize the body and restore your proper pH. You can accomplish this by incorporating organic vegetables into your diet. The proper alkalizing vegetables in the pH miracle diet will support the liver and help restore it to its natural functioning.
If the liver is helped by a cleansing diet, then the whole body will be helped. Once the liver is functioning at proper performance it can begin to do its job of eliminating waste. It will support the other detoxifying organs and perform more effectively in doing its own job.
The pH miracle diet qualifies as a cleansing diet because it performs a cleansing function of the liver and the rest of your body. The diet is made of mostly raw foods, simple proteins (beans and legumes), alternative whole grains and plenty of fresh and pure water. Cleansing diets include, at minimum, five servings of vegetables per day. In most cases, people eat twice that when they are on the pH miracle diet. This is accomplished with the use of fresh vegetable juices. There are four to five servings of vegetables in just two cups of juiced vegetables.
Eating small and frequent meals is also an important part of the cleansing function of the pH miracle diet. The small meals will keep calorie intake up and give you the opportunity to add more vegetables to your day. Although raw vegetables should be favored, lightly steamed veggies are also beneficial. Plant based proteins like beans, soy and nuts should also be included at each small meal for energy and balance.
The effects of the pH miracle cleansing diet depend entirely on your previous level of health. If you’ve had a diet that consisted of meats, processed foods and other acid forming choices then the cleansing effects may be very difficult at first. Your body will have to adjust to living off of natural elements instead of chemical ones. However your efforts are well worth it. You will be learning the most natural way to eat and teaching your body to live to eat instead of eat to live. Remember that learning to eat in this manner and adopting a cleansing diet will be a process of healing, and not an overnight occurrence. As you take on the principles of the pH miracle diet, you will begin to change your health for the better.
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We produce within us and are exposed to Viruses, Bacteria, Protozoa and Fungi that are considered the Four Musketeers of the pathogenic world and play a key role in our Health and Wellbeing. Some of my readers wanted me to break it down in more detail for them. This is why I am very big on colon cleansing, parasitic cleansing and pH your body because parasites and disease cannot live in an alkaline environment. The water we drink is vital as well. The proper vitamins and mineral are essential to maintain your health. I believe the next war will be a biological one and this pathogen plays a vital role in it.
Protozoa is a singular protozoon which are microorganisms classified as unicellular eukaryotes (an organism with cells characteristic of all life forms except primitive microorganisms such as bacteria; i.e. an organism with 'good' or membrane-bound nuclei in its cells). The Nuclei play a key role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem and are a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction. The positively charged dense center of an atom.
While there is no exact definition of the term "protozoan", most scientists use the word to refer to a unicellular heterotrophic (botany, requiring organic compounds of carbon and nitrogen for nourishment), or protist which means a Free-living or colonial organisms with diverse nutritional and reproductive modes, such as an amoeba which means naked freshwater, marine or parasitic protozoa that form temporary outgrowth for feeding and locomotionor a ciliate which means a protozoan that you can see with a microscopic appendage extending from the surface of the cell. It is important to know the meanings of these terms so that you can see how these microorganisms link to our health and work in our bodies.
The term algae is used for microorganisms that photosynthesize which means undergo the process of production through sunlight or producing a chemical compound (usually by the union of simpler chemical compounds) and combination of ideas into a complex whole. However, the distinction between protozoa and algae is often vague. For example, the algae Dinobryon is a type of microscopic protozoa that has Plastid containing chlorophyll (Any of a group of green pigments found in photosynthetic organisms; there are four naturally occurring forms) and other pigments; in plants that carry out photosynthesis, but it can also feed on organic matter and is motile (of spores or microorganisms) capable of movement. Many people refer to them as animal-like protists (Free-living or colonial organisms with diverse nutritional and reproductive modes).
Protozoa are paraphyletic (Groups that do include all the descendants of the most recent common ancestor are said to be monophyletic,group of organisms ), their own kingdom under the Integrated Taxonomic (biology of or relating to taxonomy) Information System in the 2009 classification.
Protozoa usually range from 10–50 micrometer, but can grow up to 1 mm, and are easily seen under a microscope. Tulodens are one of the slow moving form of protozoans. They are mainly found in Leyte, Philippines, but have found there way around the glob through our Import and Exportation of food water and soil. They move around with whip-like tails called flagella, hair-like structures called cilia, or foot-like structures called pseudopods. Others do not move at all. They formerly fell under the protista family. Over 30,000 different types of protozoa have been found. Protozoa exist throughout aqueous environments and soil, occupying a range of trophic levels. As predators, they prey upon unicellular or filamentous algae, bacteria, and microfungi. Protozoa play a role as both herbivores (Any animal that feeds chiefly on grass and other plants) and consumers in the decomposer link of the food chain. Protozoa also play a vital role in controlling bacteria populations and biomass. Protozoa may absorb food via their cell membranes, some, e.g. amoebas, surround food and engulf it, and yet others have openings or "mouth pores" into which they sweep food. All protozoa digest their food in stomach-like compartments called vacuoles. Read More sorry for the lengthy post.
Scientists have offered a multitude of reasons for why we age. The factors that are involved in aging range from a lack of sufficient antioxidant activity with the passing years, to a slow destruction of the cell’s power factories, the mitochondria. The various aging theories have in turn, fostered various products pitched to slow or even avoid aging. That few, if any, work shows that the aging process is far more complex than many believe. In a new study, published in the journal, Molecular Systems Biology, scientists think they have found the actual root cause of aging cells.Their research involved computer modeling, cell cultures, and genetically-altered mice.
What they found was that cellular aging begins when damage to vital DNA, which is required for cell repair and replication, is sensed. The stressed cell sends out distress signals, which are picked up by the mitochondria of the cells.The mitochondria respond by increasing the release of free radicals, byproducts of oxygen metabolism. The free radicals then act to either force the cell to repair itself, or to self-destruct. This is actually a protective device of the body, since damaged cell DNA can lead to cell mutations or cancer.
Those people lucky enough to live to 100 or more do so because they have better cellular DNA repair systems. While this effect is genetic, one implication of this research is that if you can do everything needed to protect your cell DNA, you have a greater chance of living a longer life. One way to do this is to maintain fitness by exercising regularly. Eating a clean, nutritious diet is also essential. Ensuring a generous intake of dietary antioxidants may help prevent excessive DNA damage, too.
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Disease and illness rob you of your freedom, your money and energy. Being healthy feels great, and allows you to live your life the way you want with the VITALITY to really enjoy your life with your loved one, to your fullest potential. Most everyone knows that life and death begins with the colon. Most unhealthy people spend way to much of their hard earned money on Doctors and pharmaceutical drugs instead of natural organic alternatives.
To change your health means that you have to change your eating and drinking habits as well as your environment. Educate yourself on the products that you consume and change them to organic and stay away from processed foods. Before you start a diet or a healing program you must start with the colon. The average person carries around 10 to 15 pounds of waste that has not been eliminated. Imagine pounds and pounds of excess waste that hasn't been eliminated from your system in years, with living microforms and parasites
Since microforms and parasites are living organisms, they require food in order to survive. After they digest glucose, proteins and fats in your body, they excrete poisonous mycotoxins, exotoxins, and endotoxins. Toxins like these are severely damaging to healthy cellular function and reproduction. These toxins are also strong acids that must be eliminated. In order to jump start the process of balancing your pH, it's imperative that you “clean house” and eradicate the microforms and their corresponding toxins to begin your Health or Diet Program.
Detoxify your WHOLE body! pHion Whole Body Detoxification helps to eliminate bacteria, yeast, and fungi — as well as the toxins they produce – throughout your WHOLE body. Dr Hulda Clark has the very best Parasite Cleanse which you will need because the formula is a lot different to eliminate the pests. After you are cleansed start a ph mineral supplement and or pHion Probiotic Blend/pHion Prebiotic Fiber, drinking alkaline water and eating alkaline foods that are organic is just the beginning to jump start your health quest.
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Aerobic 07 is a non-toxic solution of stabilized electrolytes containing oxygen in molecular form. When used as directed, it selectively kills harmful anaerobic infectious bacteria, but unlike drugs and antibiotics, it does not harm the aerobic or beneficial bacteria needed for good health. Aerobic 07 is effective against salmonella, cholera, E.coli, streptococcus and even against giardia lamblia. Ref: the pH for Aerobic 07 is 11 in the bottle and 9.5 in a glass of water.
Kills harmful bacteria in water storage treatment using 6 drops per gallon. Great for traveling, especially if you are going out of the country or into third world countries. Keep on hand to protect yourself from natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc when water supplies can be contaminated. Keeps vegetables, fruit, milk, and juices fresh longer. Use 10-15 drops per quart. Do not use in acidic based juices.
Aerobic 07 Disclaimer:
Since the development of Aerobic 07, it is brought to our attention, almost daily, that people have experienced healing and cleansing results pertaining to their physical health, in their opinions, resulting from the use of Aerobic 07. We are also aware that several authors and specialists in the health, nutrition and oxygen therapies industries have associated Aerobic 07 with healing properties and health benefits. This product not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Click on Image to purchase
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